By Friday, we barely doubted that despite the announcement of the former Ozora Crew – that has caused panic both nationally and internationally – the festival would indeed be held next august at the legendary location. The new organizing crew has already formed under the leadership of Wegha, who has been a popular face in the goa-psy (more specifically psytrance) scene since the 1990s.
This is how it started back in 1999, but how is it going to be like in 2012?
Wegha first appeared in connection with the parties held in Halásztelek, and those organized by Deep Smile back at the end of the past millennium. Since then, he has DJ-d in almost all the electronic music clubs in Budapest; including the ChaChaCha Terasz, where he held his individual club night regularly.
He now promises that he’ll commit everything to keep the spirit of the Ozora festival, and in case nothing works, he’ll take some of his own then. He also added that he does not want to dirty the previous organizing crew, as he thinks they have done a brilliant job with the festival throughout the past years.
The only thing Wegha feels sad about is that the community could only get to know one side of the story. He feels that many people simply overlook the fact that the owner has been investing in the festival for many years, as he believes that in the long run, the needs of the community count. He has established a complex infrastructure, even though he had to reckon with serious losses even with this year’s Ozora festival. On top of all of this, he’s been giving work to people from around the neighborhood for 9 years now.
For now, Wegha, the new head of the crew, doesn’t want to speak about either the new Ozora Team, or the actual program of the festival – though he’s already working hard on the composition of the line-up and the crew. We have found out however that the musical spectrum is planned to be wider within the psytrance subculture. As seen at many international festivals from Austria to Portugal, where the local scene is also given a chance, it’s very likely that next year more Hungarian musicians will perform at Ozora as well.
Era, the djane of Protoneon and a significant figure of the local progressive psy, is also excited about next year’s Ozora fest. She has taken part in the organization of the festival before. Moreover, she did not take it to heart when she was not invited as a performer; instead she helped out where she could.
So if all goes planned, the most popular festival of the international subculture will be refreshed and reformed by next august. You may wonder in what and how the Ozora fest of 2012 will change in comparison with usual music festivals having similar line-ups? Well, beyond the nice words, this may only be visible by next year, but we are still eager to see the program that promises to be more exciting than the previous years’.
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